• With the exception of their own children, members of the Club will not transport young players to, or from, Junior matches or practices. The Club will only be responsible for young players whilst at the cricket venue, whether home or away.
• Young players taking part in Senior matches away from Hadleigh will be transported to, and picked up from, the Designated Meeting Point by their parents or carers. Club members will provide transportation from the meeting point to the venue, but the Club will only be responsible for the young players from the time the team leaves the meeting point until the arrival of the parents/carers on its return. Parents/carers may transport young players to/from the venue if they wish to do so, with prior agreement with the Team Manager.
• All drivers and cars used to transport young players will be registered with the Club.
• There will always be more than one adult Club member in a car with young players, except when the adult is the parent/carer of the only young player in the car.
• Parental consent is required for young players to be transported in vehicles driven by Club members. Consent will be required at the start of a season and will cover journeys to and from all cricket matches listed in the Club fixture card, unless it is withdrawn in writing. Should additional matches be arranged, the Club will notify parents/carers of those involved. The consent provided at the start of the season will apply for these, unless the Club receives written notification to the contrary.
• Unless otherwise notified, the Designated Meeting Point will be the Pavilion and the time will be advised when a young player is notified of their selection for matches. Estimated return times to the Pavilion will be communicated to parents/carers.
• For each away match, a 'home' contact within the Club will be notified with the meeting time for the match. The Team Manager will be the team's captain for the day, whose contact details are in the Club fixture card.